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Stop Means Stop 101 Bail Bonds

Stop Means Stop 101 Bail Bonds
"""Collect Bail Bond calls are received from jails at all hours of the day and night, but primarily in the middle of the night. So off I go to speak with the person who has been arrested and complete the necessary paperwork to get them released.

I'm sure you have heard the phrase; one thing leads to another. It's a common theme in the bail industry, and here are three examples, though there are many more. I'll keep it short and sweet.

The most common scenario is that the arrested person was pulled over for failing to come to a complete stop at a red light before turning, or for performing a rolling stop. A rolling stop, also known as a California stop, is when a driver slows down and then continues. In other words, going through the stop sign.

When they are pulled over, the problem arises. The officer smells alcohol from the driver as he rolls down the window. A sobriety test, a vehicle search, and, if there are other occupants, license verification and determination of whether the passengers have consumed alcohol follow. The driver should have stopped completely.

As I write this, this story comes to mind. I was out with two friends at a restaurant/bar in the late 1980s. We drove away and were pulled over for erratic lane changes. I wasn't the one behind the wheel. I was just a passenger. One officer loaded the driver into a police car and drove away. When the other officer asked if we had been drinking, we both replied, ""Yes, we had consumed alcoholic beverages at the restaurant/bar."" As a result, the passenger officer drove our friend's car to the police station. We got out when we arrived, thinking we could drive our friend's car home. Not so. The officer ordered us to exit, then locked the car and said, ""Good night."" ""How are we going to get home?"" I asked. ""You two are big boys, you'll figure it out,"" he says. It had been a long walk.

Another tragic ending occurs when the driver is pulled over and drugs are discovered. You should learn this little twist to add to this example. The car's owner was too inebriated to drive. As a result, a friend offered to drive. Keep in mind that this was not his car; he was simply driving for a friend. In a rush to get home and end the evening, the substitute driver runs a stop sign. The lights flash, the driver pulls over, and the officer inspects the vehicle. Bingo! Illegal drugs were discovered in the trunk. The driver was apprehended. Yes, it wasn't his car, but because he was driving, he was responsible for its contents. Consider volunteering to drive a friend's car.

This example illustrates the reality of an officer's perception. We're familiar with the setup. ""Pop the trunk,"" says the officer, wanting to inspect the car. Surprise! A baseball bat is in the trunk, the locked trunk. There is, however, no baseball glove, baseballs, ball caps, bases, or anything else baseball-related. A concealed weapon was discovered. As an aside, miniature baseball bats with your favorite team's logo are available for purchase as a souvenir. If it's late at night, you're probably not on your way home from a baseball game. Take care.

The sign is red and reads, ""STOP!""

""Stop doing that. Your friends may not think it's cool, but being pulled over and arrested is even worse."""

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"Stop Means Stop 101 Bail Bonds" was written by Mark under the Finance category. It has been read 170 times and generated 0 comments. The article was created on and updated on 13 January 2023.
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