There are a few things you can do as a shipper to keep your relationship with your carrier positive.
1. Work for the benefit of all parties involved. This can be accomplished by collaborating with the carrier to determine which freights and lanes work best. Working in collaboration with the carrier, it is possible to add profitability to the network. It strengthens the bond between them.
2. Keep your word to the carriers. Only when you keep your commitments to the carrier will they be able to keep theirs to you. Given that carriers typically base service pricing on data provided, it is critical that only accurate data be provided. You should also make certain that you ship in the tonnages and lanes that you promise.
3. Be giving. This is in terms of the opportunities for sharing that arise. When you first bring new opportunities to your carrier partner, everyone benefits from an equitable agreement.
4. Begin with a plan. One of the best ways to avoid a rocky start that could ruin an otherwise good relationship is to begin each new partnership with a plan. Allow enough time for the carrier to set up their system and even train to take on new lanes and freights.
5. Collect all relevant data. The information you provide during the bidding process will heavily influence how prepared the carrier is in terms of freight characteristics and location, as well as seasonal changes in volume. It is therefore critical that you provide freight characteristic percentages as well as monthly volume in addition to tonnage and lane data.
6. Maintain open lines of communication. Examining performance metrics, options, and new services is a great way to strengthen relationships. Consider holding regular meetings with carriers to discuss what is most important to the business. Using such meetings, you can devise strategies for cost reduction and business improvement. Working together and communicating regularly strengthens the shipper-carrier relationship.
7. Adopt technology. In the same way that you expect real-time data on your shipments from your carriers, you should make it as simple for them to transfer the data that you require. Choose programming options that provide them with an accurate and smooth data transfer system. There are numerous technological tools available to help you improve your business and relationships."""